Symptom Bugs are Visible

Caterpillars & Inchworms

Caterpillars & Inchworms 1

Stop Caterpillars From Attacking Your Cannabis! Caterpillars!!! Argh!!! Sometimes the first signof caterpillars / worms / cabbage loopersis just seeing chunks of your leaves missing. You mayalso see clumps of black/brown dirt on your leaves, which is caterpillar poop. Lastly,…


Whiteflies 5

White flies appear like small white moths when they’re flying around and otherwise act a bit like spider termites; hanging out below the leaves and taking vital nutrients from the plant. This leads to white areas on thetop of the…


Thrips 7

What Does Cannabis Thrip Damage Look Like? Adult thrips are small, fast-moving insects, while young thrips look like tiny unmoving pale worms on the leaves. In fact, thrips can come in many forms, from wormy nymphs to dark or golden…