Archives Plant Problems

Phosphorus Deficiency

Plant Problems 1

Issue: A marijuana phosphorus deficiency normally appears on leaves from the lower/older parts of the plant. The lower leaves might turn dark green or yellow, and begin getting areas or huge splotches that look brown, bronze and even a little…

Effective Methods: How to Get Rid of Gnats on Weed

Plant Problems 3

Fungus gnats look like tiny flies buzzing around cannabis plants, especially around the soil. Their larva grows in wet soil, and they often appear when the topsoil stays wet for too long between waterings. How to Get Rid of Fungus…

Caterpillars & Inchworms

Plant Problems 5

Stop Caterpillars From Attacking Your Cannabis! Caterpillars!!! Argh!!! Sometimes the first signof caterpillars / worms / cabbage loopersis just seeing chunks of your leaves missing. You mayalso see clumps of black/brown dirt on your leaves, which is caterpillar poop. Lastly,…

Bud Rot or Mold

Plant Problems 9

Sometimes the first sign of bud rot is a few leaves on the buds turn yellow seemingly overnight. The base of these leaves is where the bud is rotting How to Prevent & Stop Bud Rot (quick summary) “When I…


Plant Problems 11

White flies appear like small white moths when they’re flying around and otherwise act a bit like spider termites; hanging out below the leaves and taking vital nutrients from the plant. This leads to white areas on thetop of the…

Leaf Septoria / Yellow Leaf Spot

Plant Problems 13

Stop Leaf Septoria (Yellow Leaf Spot) in Its Tracks! Sometimes called ‘yellow leaf spot’ or ‘leaf septoria,’ this condition is caused by a fungus (or sometimes a bacteria) that attacks cannabis plants and usually appears in warm, wet weather. The…

Heat Stress

Plant Problems 18

Problem: Your cannabis plant can only withstand a certain amount of heat and light. After a certain point, your cannabis will start exhibiting signs of stress on the leaves near the sources of light and/or heat. Your leaves will get…


Plant Problems 20

What Does Cannabis Thrip Damage Look Like? Adult thrips are small, fast-moving insects, while young thrips look like tiny unmoving pale worms on the leaves. In fact, thrips can come in many forms, from wormy nymphs to dark or golden…

Accidental Re-Vegging

Plant Problems 22

What Causes Plants to Grow Smooth Leaves? What does it mean to accidentally “re-veg” a cannabis plant? “Re-veg” is short for “re-vegetation” and refers to what happens if a plant that has started flowering re-enters the vegetative stage. The majority…